Giorgio Beretta

GIORGIO BERETTAAssistant Professor - International Taxation - Amsterdam Law School

Visiting Professor - Nova University Lisbon

Giorgio Beretta - Tax Lawyer Ph.D. and LL.M. - Professor in University of Amsterdam -International Taxation - Tax Law - European Taxation - Sharing Economy
Giorgio Beretta​


Giorgio Beretta is an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Law School and a member of the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL) research project on “Designing the tax system for a “Cashless, Platform based and Technology driven society (CPT)“.

Giorgio is currently a Visiting Professor at NOVA School of Law of NOVA University – Lisbon, collaborating with NOVA Tax Research Lab. Until December 2023, Giorgio was also a Senior Lecturer in Indirect Taxation at the Department of Business Law of Lund University.

Giorgio is also a lawyer admitted to the Italian Bar and an Editorial Board Member of the international journals “Intertax” and “Highlights & Insights on European Taxation” . Previously, until December 2023, he served as an editor at the “Kluwer International Tax Blog.”


Giorgio Beretta

Research Areas

Online Platforms

The multifaceted role of online platforms in taxation: tax governance of digital gatekeepers and policy design models for a platform-based society.

Payment Service Providers

Payment Service Providers (PSPs) and tax obligations: tax information and collection by PSPs and other financial intermediaries in an evolving landscape.

Crypto-Assets & VC

Taxation of crypto-assets and virtual currencies (VC): challenges and emerging policy issues of crypto-assets and virtual currencies and their treatments in direct and indirect taxation.

Blockchain & DLT

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in taxation: innovative projects and case studies for the application of blockchain and DLT in tax systems.


The impact of AI and Automated Decision-Making (ADM) in taxation: tax policy and administration implications of the use of AI and ADM systems.

Digital Transformation

Technology and ICT developments in taxation: opportunities and challenges offered by digital tools and software for improving tax administration and taxpayers’ compliance.

Digital Economy & VAT

VAT challenges of the digital economy: distance-based supplies, fixed establishment, and the characterisation of digital services under place of supply rules.

Sharing Economy & VAT

VAT challenges of the sharing economy: problems and shortcomings in the application of VAT rules to the business models of the sharing economy.

Cross-Border Mobility

Cross-border mobility of individuals and tax policies: exit taxes, preferential tax regimes and other countries’ strategies for and against individuals on the move.

Our Services

Advisory Services

Business advisory services in Italy​​ foreign companies for Tax & Wealth Planning, VAT & Taxes Optimisation, Business Registration, Transfer in Italy Business Sdvisory Services in Italy​​ Foreign Companies for Tax & Wealth Planning, VAT & Indirect Taxes Optimisation, Transfer in Italy, ect
  • International Tax Advisory
  • Transfer of Residence of Individuals and Companies
  • Tax and Wealth Planning for HNWIs
  • Inheritance and Succession Tax Planning
  • Real Estate Tax Planning
  • VAT and Indirect Taxes Optimisation

Are you interested in Tax Advisory?  Contact us!

    Monographs | Chapters in Edited Volumes | Edited Volumes | Peer-reviewed Articles in International Journals | Academic and Professional Articles in International Journals | Book Reviews | Blogs and Other Publications
    • G. Beretta, European VAT and the Sharing Economy, Kluwer Law International – EUCOTAX Series on European Taxation No. 65, 2019, ISBN 9789403514352 [Maurice Lauré Prize].
    • G. Beretta, Fixed Establishment in the 21st Century, in M. Papis-Almansa (ed.), EU Value Added Tax and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Ben Terra, IBFD, 2021 (forthcoming).
    • P. de Jonge – E. Thomas – G. Beretta, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Wolters Kluwer, 2021, ISBN 9789013163742.

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