Il nuovo sistema di tassazione Iva nel Paese di destinazione. Il piano d’azione della Commissione UE
Il nuovo sistema di tassazione Iva nel Paese di destinazione. Il piano d’azione della Commissione UE, Dott. Luca Lavazza, Avv. Francesco Pizzo, Dott. Giorgio Beretta, PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti
Composite Supplies under EU VAT: Closer Encounters of the Third Kind? – Kluwer International Tax Blog
Composite supplies are one of the most commonly debated issues under European VAT (EU VAT). Despite its unquestionable relevance as a topic, neither Directive 2006/112/EC (the VAT Directive) nor Council Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 282/2011 (the VAT Implementing Regulation) contain any settled rule providing a clear indication on how to deal with the issue
IFA BRAZILIAN BRANCH. “IVA – Imposto Sobre o Valor Agregado”
IFA Maurice Lauré Prize Giorgio Beretta November 29, 2021 News & Media A ABDF promove uma série de webinars, com convidados internacionais, sobre “IVA – Imposto sobre o Valor Agregado”, para discutir as melhores práticas e modelos de um sistema tributário ideal. O painel “VAT/GST and financial services” apresenta os modelos do IVA da União Europeia e da […]
MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR TAX LAW AND PUBLIC FINANCE. “EU VAT, Place of Supply and Platform Services” Giorgio Beretta July 6, 2020 News & Media My “digital comeback” to the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance (Munich), where in 2018 I carried out a substantive part of my PhD research on “European VAT and […]
12th GREIT LISBON SUMMER COURSE. Session XII: “CJEU – Recent VAT Cases” – Edoardo Traversa & Giorgio Beretta
12th GREIT LISBON SUMMER COURSE. Session XII: “CJEU – Recent VAT Cases” – Edoardo Traversa & Giorgio Beretta Giorgio Beretta June 25, 2020 News & Media CIDEEFF and GREIT are proud to announce the 12th GREIT Lisbon Summer Course. It will take place online, via Zoom, from 22 through 26 June. This year the GREIT Summer Course will be a […]
Dong Yang Electronics (Case C-547/18): Oh Yes, a Subsidiary Can (also) Be a Fixed Establishment under EU VAT, but Information Asymmetries May Save You! – Kluwer International Tax Blog
A subsidiary can (also) be a fixed establishment (FE) of its parent company under European (EU) VAT, after all. This is the most immediate conclusion as it emerges from the much-awaited decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Dong Yang Electronics (Case C-547/18). With its ruling on 7 May 2020
Uber Case in U.K. Could Become Model for How to Tax Gig Economy
A U.K. tax case could alter how Uber Technologies Inc. does business across Europe and put pressure on the country’s tax authority to retroactively collect up to 1.5 billion pounds in value-added taxes.
In Tema di Plusvalenze Immobiliari: La Divisione Ereditaria
Rivista Diritto Tributario – Pacini Giuridica – In Tema di Plusvalenze Immobiliari: La Divisione Ereditaria
Airbnb Is Not Uber: VAT Reflections on the Airbnb Ireland Case (C-390/18)
Airbnb is not Uber. If one is to point straight to the core of the CJEU’s decision in Airbnb Ireland (C-390/18) released on 19 December 2019, the main conclusions of the Court are that the two platforms in question, although both pertaining to the sharing economy domain, are not comparable, neither
Composite Supplies under EU VAT: Closer Encounters of the Third Kind? – Kluwer International Tax Blog
Composite supplies are one of the most commonly debated issues under European VAT (EU VAT). Despite its unquestionable relevance as a topic, neither Directive 2006/112/EC (the VAT Directive) nor Council Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 282/2011 (the VAT Implementing Regulation) contain any settled rule providing a clear indication on how to deal with the issue