ELSA WEBINARS ACADEMY KRAKOW ON INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW. “Fixed Establishment under European VAT” Giorgio Beretta July 21, 2021 News & Media On behalf of the European Law Students’ Association – ELSA Kraków we are glad to announce ELSA Webinars Academy on International Tax Law! The project is the continuation of our ELSA Summer Law School which the seventh edition could not be […]
ELSA WEBINARS ACADEMY ON INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW. Fixed Establishment under European VAT. 21 July 2021
13th GREIT LISBON SUMMER COURSE. “Session X: Selected Issues on VAT” – Marta Papis-Almansa & Giorgio Beretta
13th GREIT LISBON SUMMER COURSE. “Session X: Selected Issues on VAT” – Marta Papis-Almansa & Giorgio Beretta Giorgio Beretta June 25, 2021 News & Media CIDEEFF and GREIT are proud to announce the 13th GREIT Lisbon Summer Course. It will take place online, via Zoom, from 21 through 25 June. The GREIT Summer Course will be a fully online event […]
13th GREIT LISBON SUMMER COURSE. Selected Issues on VAT. 25 June 2021
From Use and Enjoyment to Geolocation: A Crossover from VAT to DST? – Kluwer International Tax Blog
Much controversial research released by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of March 2021 has concluded that the inception of the COVID-19 disease is likely due to a crossover of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from animals to humans. Although not unprecedented as an accident, the chances of viruses crossing over from other species to
As this year 2020 is withering and will soon be gone, it is an understatement that we all will find it hard to not look at the past year with regret. Almost since its first inception days, this year 2020 has trapped all of us in a spiral of pain and dispensed a great dose
The EU Proposal for Tax Information Reporting by Sharing and Gig Economy Platforms – Kluwer International Tax Blog
On 15 July 2020, the European Commission (EU Commission) unveiled a Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (the so-called ‘DAC 7’), which seeks to improve the existing framework for exchange of information in the field of direct taxation within the EU, by introducing, inter alia
Il nuovo sistema di tassazione Iva nel Paese di destinazione. Il piano d’azione della Commissione UE
Il nuovo sistema di tassazione Iva nel Paese di destinazione. Il piano d’azione della Commissione UE, Dott. Luca Lavazza, Avv. Francesco Pizzo, Dott. Giorgio Beretta, PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti
Composite Supplies under EU VAT: Closer Encounters of the Third Kind? – Kluwer International Tax Blog
Composite supplies are one of the most commonly debated issues under European VAT (EU VAT). Despite its unquestionable relevance as a topic, neither Directive 2006/112/EC (the VAT Directive) nor Council Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 282/2011 (the VAT Implementing Regulation) contain any settled rule providing a clear indication on how to deal with the issue
IFA BRAZILIAN BRANCH. “IVA – Imposto Sobre o Valor Agregado”
IFA Maurice Lauré Prize Giorgio Beretta November 29, 2021 News & Media A ABDF promove uma série de webinars, com convidados internacionais, sobre “IVA – Imposto sobre o Valor Agregado”, para discutir as melhores práticas e modelos de um sistema tributário ideal. O painel “VAT/GST and financial services” apresenta os modelos do IVA da União Europeia e da […]