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Webinar “Special Tax Regimes for Inward Expatriates: Recent Trends in Selected Jurisdictions”

On 9 July 2024, Dr Giorgio Beretta delivered a webinar organized by IBFD (Amsterdam) on “Special Tax Regimes for Inward Expatriates: Recent Trends in Selected Jurisdictions

Here is the content of the webinar available on demand on the IBFD’s platform.

Special Tax Regimes for Inward Expatriates: Recent Trends in Selected Jurisdictions

Discover the latest developments in tax regimes for inward expatriates in three selected European jurisdictions: Italy, Portugal, and Spain. This webinar will explore both the enhancements and the restrictions introduced in these countries’ tax policies, providing a comprehensive overview of the fiscal landscape for foreign workers and individuals.

Topics Covered

  • Special tax regimes for inward expatriates: Comparative overview
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Closing remarques

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, the participants will be able to:

  • Compare the main elements of special tax regimes to attract inward expatriates
  • List the key features of the special tax regimes offered by the selected jurisdictions
  • Appreciate recent legislative changes and their impact on international mobility
  • Identify common policy trends in the field of international taxation of individuals


Paula Benitez, Tax lawyer (Cuatrecasas)

Giorgio Beretta, Professor (University of Amsterdam)

Rita Botelho Moniz, Tax Lawyer (RBM Tax & Legal)

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